Foreign Participants

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Deportistas extranjeros


Sólo para deportistas extranjeros (no españoles): TARJETA SANITARIA EUROPEA

Es recomendable que os dirijáis al Centro de Atención e Información de la Seguridad Social que os corresponde y que solicitéis la mencionada tarjeta (es un trámite sencillo y rápido).

Esta tarjeta es imprescindible para poder acceder a la asistencia sanitaria básica (medicamentos o, en casos extremos, la hospitalización) en el país de la Unión Europea al cual os hayáis desplazado.

  tarjeta sanitaria europea




Foreign Participants (Outside Spain)


Please, be advice that, as a foreign participant or visitor, it is your responsibility to organize your own personal accident insurance to cover yourself for the whole weekend of the “2015 Juegos del Cierzo”.

For participants or visitors coming from a country of the European Economic Area (EEA), we recommend you to apply for your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which is valid when you temporarily visit a country of the EEA. The EHIC entitles you to state-provided medical treatment for free, if you became ill or have an accident during your stay.

To note, applying for the EHIC is free and easy.

  European Health Insurance Card